How to Speed ​​Up Windows 11 Boost

How to speed up Windows 11 boosting is effective for making the computer work optimally without slowing down. Among them by cleaning junk files

How to speed up Windows 11 boosting
is effective for making the computer work optimally without slowing down. Boosting Windows refers to actions to reduce processor workload. Among them by clearing storage space or upgrading software.

Especially for Windows 11 users who often experience slow and freeze conditions. This step can speed up the boosting process so that the computer can respond quickly.

How to Speed ​​Up Windows 11 Boost

The main step that should not be missed is cleaning the disk and junk files. Cache and useless files can make the processor workload even bigger and interfere with access speed, here's how to speed up Windows 11 boost in full.

1. Disable Useless Applications

Applications running in the background are often the main trigger for decreasing computer response speed. Therefore, don't forget to check the applications running in the background.

If there are applications that are not important then you should just disable them. You do this by using the Task Manager menu and selecting "Startup". Then, disable applications that you feel are not important.

2. Hardware Upgrades

Hardware upgrades are also very effective in making device performance better. Especially if the device is still using an HDD, you should immediately replace it with an SSD because it can make the system more responsive.

3. Clear Storage Space

The most important way to speed up Windows 11 boost is to clean up disk and junk files. Files that accumulate in storage space will hamper the computer's response.

Use the "Disk CleanUp" menu to delete useless files. This feature will help to remove useless cache, temporary files and junk files.

4. Minimizing the Use of Visual Effects

Excessive use of visual effects on a computer can also hinder the performance of Windows 11. Especially if device specifications are still limited.

Therefore, only use important visual effects. Then turn off other effects by going to the "Control Panel" menu. Then, select "System" and click "Advanced System Settings".

So, that's how to speed up Windows 11 boost so that the computer can work at full speed. The impact of boosting on each computer may be different because it depends on the specifications. However, this method is effective in making the computer work better than before.

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